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Adam Meyer, Oklahoma


"John Fuller, with the Honor Crew, was very honest, professional, and down to earth. He has a huge passion for helping out the military and their families. Would recommend to anyone!"
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"Instead of wondering if I was going to find an honest company that was going to do decent work at a reasonable cost, I was able to turn the task over to The Honor Crew and rest easy that things were going to get done with integrity and competence at minimal impact to the budget. "


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NEW HERE? Help The Honor Crew by filling out this survey.

Did you know that there are 1.3 MILLION actively deployed military personnel?

Did you know that of that 1.3 MILLION, 55% are married and 43% have children?

Imagine being one of those families whose spouse is deployed and your toilet breaks? Or your fence needs to be replaced? Perhaps if your spouse was home, it would be an easy fix… but they are not. So, it is not an easy fix. Something small becomes big. Something small has the chance to become very expensive.

At The Honor Crew, we want to take the burden off of the families who Serve and Protect our great nation. We want to serve them. We want to help, to fix, to encourage.

Every donation keeps the financial burden off of these families. DONATE TODAY!

Learn more about our humble beginnings.

Need our help? That's what we are here for! Schedule an appointment with The Honor Crew now!


We are currently looking for contractors and handymen to add to our growing list of men and women who want to help serve the families and spouses of our nation’s deployed military personnel.

If you or anyone you know would be interested, please click on the button below and fill out our Contractor Interest Form.

Remember- every little bit helps!

They protect us. Let us serve them.
